John has rented this house for the summer. It is in Greenville Illinois. I think it looks like a combination of the house I grew up in, in KY (lots of doors), and the one John grew up in, in NY (the wrap around porch).
This (below) is the inside stairwell. Jubilee is going to be interested (John says that there may be mice). What about that chandelier?

The bathroom has French doors leading into it ...

What an interesting sink!

This is the Living Room (I'll have to bring my piano sheet music) ...

And here is the dining room. Hopefully we'll have visitors and can have some formal feasts!

Finally, photos of the kitchen. Notice that John has his oatmeal on the counter already ...

I'm sure I'll have lots to say about Greenville and the house when Jubilee and I get there. The house was obviously built before the days when everything became square.
This looks like a great house! Love that bathroom! Hope you have a great time there this summer!