Sunday, June 7, 2009

Arriving in Greenville

The Road to Greenville...

I feel like I've gone to sleep and awakened in an alternative universe.

Since getting off of I64, things have been strange. We were the only car on the road. Just Jubilee and I and all of this LAND. Fields and fields of corn and wheat and whatever. A little town called Hope. Then around some corners and this house in Greenville. The photos make it look normal, but believe me, it is not a normal house. For one thing, in the bedroom, the canopy bed fills the whole room, so it feels more like being in a tent than being in a room. Lots of lace curtains and Blessings and American flags everywhere.

John was glad to see us. He had good wine and a good supper. Then we went for a walk. No one out but us. Our own neighborhood in Florida is often like this after supper - we call it Armegeddon.

Photos tomorrow, I promise.

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