This morning it was cool (high 50s?). It starts to get light around 5am, and since John gets up then, I do too, and shortly after Jubilee and I go for a walk.
Surprisingly, there are several people up and about at that hour. I noticed the man across the street sitting on his porch steps, having coffee and a cigarette. He petted Jubilee and I admired the little scooter in his yard. "My daughter loves that scooter more than any of her other toys" he said.

Jubilee and I have not ventured much more than 3 blocks from the house where we are living. For one thing, Jube is skittish about getting too far away and not knowing her way home. We've gotten lost already. The town is small, but we don't know our way around.
It is quiet here. Other than an occasional distant train, there is not much noise other than birds, dogs, and children. There are many young families. I see mothers talking on the sidewalks, and toys are everywhere about.

This (below) is what a typical street looks like. Most every street is shaded with large trees. Certainly not a cookie-cutter suburb. Every house is different.

This morning we made friends with a little girl on a purple bicycle. She wanted to know why I had a camera and why I was taking pictures. After I assured her that it was for fun, she let me take this photo of her grandmother's house. We both like the flags.

Most of the houses are old and restored. This cuppola is on top of the house where the children draw on the the sidewalks. I suspect that they are a family of artists. The rain washed away the last exhibit. I hope to get some photos when the next sidewalk paintings appear.

Three block away is Greenville College. There are expanses of yard there where I let Jubilee run and chase the squirrels. (She almost caught one!) There is an interesting sculpture there that I like ...
At first I thought it was a woman washing Jesus' feet, because of the long hair. It didn't dawn on me that such a scantily clad woman would probably be scandalous ...
In our backyard we have strawberries and soon to be grapes ...

Down the street there is a mulberry tree (I got lots of stains on my white shorts, taking this picture!)...

Lots of summer flowers around ...
Intriguing sculpture -- especially since Greenville College appears to be a conservative Christian college. It certainly looks like you have landed in the very centre of the USA. A lovely street!